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What is VirusTotal?

This post is for those people who don't have an antivirus in their Desktop, Laptop and Mobile Phones. You can use VirusTotal to scan Files, URLs and Searches.
To keep yourself safe in this time of internet world.

  • You can scan the files in which some hacker inject their payload or malicious script VirusTotal scan and let you know that the file is safe and secure or not.
  • Website phishing is another popular technique used by a hacker to obtain information about end-user by tracking the IP address, current location and many other things. For example, people usually get a text message that we are offering some free data or another gift and for collect that gift you should open attached website that time you should use to scan that URL first and check if that URL is safe or not.
  • Search field can let you check URL information, Domain and also check the file hashes.

VirusTotal basically a website which analyzes suspicious files and URLs to detect the type of malware, automatically share them with the security community.
What is VirusTotal?
This is the home page of

How it Works

VirusTotal scans objects by over 70 antivirus scanners and URL/domain blacklisting and restricts services, additionally to multiple tools to derive signals of the prepared content. Any user can choose data from their own computer, laptop or mobile phone using their browser and send it to VirusTotal. VirusTotal gives a sort of file submission methods, including the first public web interface, desktop uploaders, browser extensions and a programmatic API. the online interface has the very best scanning priority amongst the publicly available submission methods. Submissions could also be scripted in any programing language using the HTTP-based public API.

As with files, URLs are often submitted via several different means including the VirusTotal webpage, browser extensions and therefore the API.

Upon submitting a file or URL basic results are shared with the submitter, and also between the examining partners, who use results to enhance their own systems. In a result, by submitting data, URLs, domains, etc. to VirusTotal you're contributing to boost the worldwide IT security level.

This core analysis is additionally the idea for several other features, including the VirusTotal Community: a network that permits users to discuss files and URLs and share notes with one another. VirusTotal is often serviceable in detecting malicious content and also in recognising false positives -- normal and harmless objects detected as malicious by one or more scanners.

For a practical demonstration, you can watch the following videos.

This video gives an idea of how to scan URLs.

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